
  • Dragana Pešić


civilization, progress, fight, people, well-being


This paper presents the thoughts, attitudes and actions of the famous Russian writer and a great social critic, Leo Tolstoy. Being a rich aristocrat, he experiences a feeling of unrest due to the injustice happening in the world around him. He cannot withstand his privileged position so through the contlict of his inner thoughts he seeks the justice for common working people. The paper begins with a review of Tolstoy's story "Lucerne", where he planted the seeds of doubt concerning the benefits of the civilization. The second part of the paper presents Tolstoy's struggle between the opposing principles - moral self-improvement and faith in progress. The executions in Paris and the death of his brother Nicholas were two key events that had influenced him to change his attitude toward the superstition concerning progress. The third part of this paper refers to Tolstoy's public struggle against progress through education. While searching for the adequate education for children from rural areas, he preached for the reform of education and eventually achieved the complete denial of progress. The fina! part of the paper presents Tolstoy's fina! views on the achievements of civilization and progress. His denial of progress was based on the belief...


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