About the Journal

Journal's scientific policy

Journal of Social Sciences is an interdisciplinary Open Access journal published by the Faculty of Finance, Banking and Auditing of Alfa BK University from Belgrade, Republic of Serbia (RS). The Journal of Social Sciences has been published since 2009, since 2024 it has been published twice a year, while in 2024 the RS Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation categorized it as an outstanding national journal of category M52 on its List of Categorized Scientific Journals. All received articles are subject to anonymous double-blind peer-review, while all published articles can be accessed free of charge through the Journal`s website in accordance with the personal, educational, scientific, research, and information needs of readership. All free of charge downloaded articles from the Journal's website can be used in accordance with the International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0). The Journal of Social Sciences is published twice a year in printed and electronic form, while it publishes and contains high-quality and referenced original scientific articles, review papers, professional articles, previous announcements, communications, analyses, science critics, scientific reviews and polemics, interviews, as well as reviews of published books, handbooks, monographs, held scientific conferences and other scientific publications. Articles intended for publication in the Journal must be original, credible, relevant and scientifically grounded. Journal of Social Sciences is a bilingual journal that publishes articles in English and Serbian language. Authors are especially encouraged to write their articles in good and grammatically correct English language. If necessary, the Editorial Board of the Journal recommends the authors to make proofreading before the submission their articles to the Journal for publishing. Articles submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal can also be written in some another international language. In that case, their abstracts, in addition to the original language, must also be written in English language. Publication of submitted articles in the Journal of Social Sciences is free of charge.

Journal of Social Sciences is indexed in the Online Library of Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEOL). The Journal publishes high-quality theoretical papers, empirical research, comparative analyses, parts of research studies and professional articles from a wide range of social scientific fields, such as economics, finance, management, marketing, accounting, auditing, international relations, sociology, philosophy, business informatics, culture, political science, law, as well as other related interdisciplinary social fields. With its annual editions, the Journal aims to provide its readership scientific and professional publications focused on the pre-mentioned scientific fields and areas of social sciences. In that sense, the content of the Journal of Social Sciences is primarily intended for members of the academic community, researchers, practitioners, decision makers, problem solvers, students, as well as the general public and the wider community members. The Journal`s Editorial Board especially encourages foreign authors, students and young researchers to publish their articles and scientific achievements in its issues.

The priority of the Journal`s editorial policy is focused on objective analysis, encouragement of rational knowledge, as well as on the generation of original, pragmatic, valid and verifiable scientific outcomes and results. The editorial policy of the Journal is based on the principle of continuous improvement of its quality, while the selection procedure of papers for publication and their classification take into account the relevance and actuality of the article in theoretical, methodological and applied terms, as well as its originality, influence, clarity and contribution to contemporary social sciences and practice. The Journal gives priority to articles that contain a professional, impartial and balanced approach to social issues and problems, socially responsible and ethical research, as well as to authors who offer open, courageous, creative, objective, credible and curious solutions and views on current social issues. The aim of the Journal is to contribute to the improvement of theoretical, methodological and applied approaches to dealing with increasingly complex, challenging and diverse social phenomena and problems. In this way, the Journal of Social Sciences seeks to provide a unique contribution to the promotion and development of contemporary social science and practice, profession, scientific research and higher education. In addition to the Journal's website, its issues are also available at the Alfa BK University Library.

Only original manuscripts that have not been previously published elsewhere and that have not been submitted to the editorial board of another scientific or professional journal may be submitted to the Journal of Social Sciences. In that sense, it is strictly forbidden to publish the same articles and identical research results in more than one journal. All submitted articles are subject to double-blind peer-review, while the Journal publishes only those manuscripts that have received a positive evaluation in the review process. Authors are expected to submit only their original manuscripts which must not be plagiarism or auto plagiarism and which must not contain false and falsified information and data. In addition, each published article must contain a list of references used, as well as (if any) information on the institution that financially supported the research conducted in order to declare no conflict of interests.

Journal's editorial policy

The editorial policy of the Journal of Social Sciences is aligned with the Rulebook on the Categorization and Ranking of Scientific Journals of the Republic of Serbia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 159/2020). Instructions for authors are provided in each printed issue of the journal.

The journal publishes original scientific articles, review scientific papers and professional papers that have received positive reviews from anonymous reviewers. Each author bears moral and ethical responsibility for the content of the text and data published in his/her paper.

The Editor-in-Chief and members of the Journal's Editorial Board are obliged to take all reasonable measures to ensure that the reviewers remain anonymous during and after the evaluation process, in accordance with the foreseen procedure. The reviewers are obliged to submit to the Editor-in-Chief an assessment of the manuscript scientific value in a qualified manner and within the set deadlines, while taking care of the actual scientific contribution and originality of the manuscript. The final decision on accepting manuscripts for publication is made solely by the journal's Editor-in-Chief and Co-Editor-in-Chief.

Journal issuing policy: there is no article processing charge (APC) for publishing papers.


Address and contact details of the Journal`s Editorial Board


Alfa BK University

Faculty of Finance, Banking and Auditing

Categorization of the Journal by the RS Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation: M52

The Journal is published twice a year

Articles in the Journal are subject to double-blind peer-review


Address of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Social Sciences

3, Palmira Toljatija and 8, Bulevar maršala Tolbuhina

New Belgrade 11070, Republic of Serbia

Contact person

Editor-in-Chief: Associate Professor, Ladin Gostimirović, Ph.D. in Economics

Co-Editor-in-Chief: Associate Professor, Lidija Madžar, Ph.D in Economic Sciences

Proofreading for the Serbian language: Proofreading team of Alfa BK University

Proofreading for the English language: Branka Kovačević, Master of Philological Sciences

Layout and prepress: Vladimir Šašo, Master of Informatics

Phone numbers: +381 11 2609 754 and +381 11 2699 039

ISSN 1821-3421 (Printed edition)
ISSN 2683-4936 (Online edition)

CIP cataloging in the publication of the National Library of Serbia, Belgrade.

UDC: 1/3

COBISS.SR-ID 171372044

Each scientific paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Social Sciences is assigned a DOI number, as well as an international standard UDC number.

E-mail address of the Journal`  s Editorial Board: gdn@alfa.edu.rs

Website of the Journal: www.gdn.rs