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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

How to prepare an article for publication in a scientific journal? We recommend Microsoft Word for computer word processing. The abstract should contain 150-200 words and give a brief overview of the most important aspects of the paper. Abstract should be written in Serbian and English, one below the other, as in this example.


The abstract of the manuscript should contain from 150 to 200 words and should represent a brief overview of the most important considered aspects, content and thematic units of the paper. The abstract should also contain the objectives, purpose and description of the relevance of the chosen research topic, as well as the applied methodology and the most important conclusions reached in the research. The abstract of the paper and keywords should be written in Serbian or English language, i.e. in the original language of the manuscript (Times New Roman, 10pt, Italic). After the keywords, the JEL classification of the manuscript should also be provided.
Keywords: up to eight keywords separated by commas that best describe the content of the paper (Times New Roman, 10pt, Italic).

JEL classification:

It is necessary to select up to eight keywords that best describe the unique content of your work. The recommended font is Times New Roman, 10pt, Italic, the titles are bold, as shown in the example below.

Keywords: heritage, group of monuments, authenticity, medieval cities, fortresses

  1. Introduction

Cover Page - Each article must have a cover page with the following elements: title, not longer than 10 words; abstracts in Serbian and English, keywords, introduction, etc.

The paper must be typed on the standard (A4 size) paper. All material, including tables and bibliography, must be in single line spacing. The text itself should be 11pt Times New Roman (Normal). All text should be done with Justified alignment.

In order to meet the technical quality requirements, the authors are required to follow the instructions presented in this document (an example of a scientific paper) WHICH SHOULD BE USED AS A TEMPLATE (form).

It is recommended to use the appropriate styles (Title, Summary Text, Section Title, Subtitle, Picture-Name, Picture-Picture, Table-Name, Bibliography, Bibliography-Item,) contained in this document.

The paper should contain up to 12 pages. Exceptionally, with justification to the Editorial Board (when submitting a paper), it may contain 16 pages.


  1. Instructions for authors

The margins for A4 work are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Page layout


Page size A4

Upper margin 20 mm

Bottom margin 20 mm

Left margin 30 mm

Right margin 20 mm


Papers can have multiple sections and subheadings. Section titles (including bibliography and various merit publications) should be typed in 11pt font, with the bold option selected. Use Times New Roman for numbering. Sections can be further subdivided into subsections.



  • Tables and figures

Tables must be numbered with the title above the table, in italic font, 10pt in size and in order, so that they are understandable without first becoming familiar with the scientific work. Each column should have its own name. The text in the table is 10pt in size.

Images must also be numbered, in the order in which they appear in the text. The images should be in the intended place in the text, the size provided and sufficient resolution for good print quality, at least 300 DPI.


There must be text under each image that will contain the number and name of the image. Use Times New Roman 10pt Italic font for image names, as in the example.

Picture 1, Name of the image


  1. Use of abbreviations

Use of abbreviations should be the least possible. Generally accepted measures and their units can be used without specific definition.

  1. Footnotes

Footnotes (text comments, text clarifications) should not be used.

  1. Language

The papers are written in Serbian language, and the summary and key terms are in Serbian and English. It is important that the paper is grammatically and spelling correct. Therefore, if you do not consider yourself proficient in English, contact someone who is.

  1. Conclusion

This section should be concise and draw conclusions from the scientific work itself. Do not use equations and images in conclusion.

Credits (if any)

The title of Merit and Bibliography should be in bold. Merits and Bibliography should not be numbered.



The bibliography should be listed at the end of the paper, in integral form and numbered in the following form:

author's surnames and initials, title, edition, year; tom: the range of pages, as shown in the following example:

  1. Carr S., Francis M., Public Space, Cambridge University Press, 1992, 5 (3): pp. 11–13.

Bibliography and sources must be cited to the extent that they are actually used. The use of recently published literature is recommended. Only published works can be used as sources. The sources listed in the tables or figures are also numbered, in order of use. The first citation in the text should correspond to the first name of the list of references.

In the text, references are given in square brackets [1].

Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

The names, e-mail addresses and other data entered in this Journal` s web site, as well as in its manuscripts will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this Journal and will not be available for any other purpose or to any other third party.

Types of Submitted Manuscripts

Manuscripts submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Social Sciences may be:

  • Original scientific papers
  • Review papers
  • Preliminary announcements
  • Professional articles
  • Communications
  • Professional analysis
  • Scientific criticism
  • Scientific polemics
  • Critical reviews of published articles
  • Reviews of published books, textbooks, scientific conferences and other publications
  • Theoretical papers
  • Methodological papers
  • Empirical research
  • Case studies

Authors should prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the Technical Instructions for Authors, i.e. Author Guidelines placed on the Journal's website. As part of the submission process, authors are also expected to check the compliance of their submissions with the requirements of the Journal, checking that all requirements from the placed below checklist have been met. Manuscripts not prepared in accordance with the required Authors Guidelines may be returned to the authors for correction and revision. Authors can submit their manuscripts through the electronic article submission and editing system integrated into the Journal's website. In that case, all authors must first register, so that later they can use the electronic services of the Journal through the login option. After the Editor-in-Chief has approved the manuscript for publishing, the authors are required to complete and sign the Statement on the Originality of the Article, which is also placed on the Journal's website. The authors should submit the scanned version of the signed Statement to the Editorial Board of the Journal either through the submitted supplementary file or by sending it to the following e-mail address of the Journal:

Submission Preparation Checklist

  • The submitted manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration by the editorial board of some other journal (in other case an explanation has to be provided in Comments to the Editor-in-Chief).
  • The submission file is written in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs and DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 11-point Times New Roman fonts; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL and DOI addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate place, rather than at the end of the body of the text.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic, formatting and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Authors Guidelines.

Content of the Submitted Manuscript

Each submitted manuscript should contain an abstract and key words in the original language of the paper, the introduction, adequate elaboration of the selected topic, conclusion, an abstract and key words in English language, as well as sufficient data, information, details, contents and references that will support the statements made in it. Deliberately making inaccurate and untrue claims represents a serious violation of ethical norms. Submitted manuscripts must be precise, objective and factually based. The authors bear all responsibility for the content of the submitted manuscripts and are obliged to obtain the consent of all persons and institutions that directly participated in the creation of the article` s content. Authors who intend to include in their manuscript pictures, tables, graphs and other illustrations that have already been published somewhere else, are obliged to obtain the consent of the copyright holders.


The authors are obliged to list as authors and co-authors of the submitted manuscripts only those persons who really participated in its preparation and who have contributed substantially and significantly to the content of the manuscript. If other non-authors have participated in important aspects of the presented research and preparation of the manuscript, their contribution should also be mentioned in a note or Acknowledgment section. Authors and co-authors should confirm that the manuscript they submitted for review is not in the process of review, as well as that it has not been accepted for publication in another journal. All submitted manuscripts are subject to plagiarism checking procedure. In addition, when submitting their manuscripts, authors are expected to sign a Statement on the Originality of their Article, (Statement template) which they will enclose in a scanned form to the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal.

List of authors and their affiliations who have published their articles in the
Journal of Social Sciences in the previous two years

Citing References

The authors are obliged to cite correctly and credibly all references and sources that have significantly influenced the content of the presented research and the manuscript itself. Information obtained by the authors in private conversation or correspondence with third parties may not be included in the manuscript without the explicit written permission of their holders.

When preparing submissions for the Journal of Social Sciences, it is preferable to cite scientific articles from this scientific journal.

Ethical Publishing

Dealing with Unethical Behaviour

Any individual or institution may at any time report to the Editor-in-Chief or the Editorial Board of the Journal information about violations of ethical norms by the authors, as well as other irregularities, which they will support by credible information and evidence whit the aim to initiate an investigation procedure. In that case, a procedure of verification of the presented evidence and assertions will be initiated, including the following steps:

  • The Editor-in-Chief decides to launch an investigation.
  • During the course of this procedure, all attached evidence will be considered confidential material and will be presented only to those persons who are encompassed by the given case.
  • Persons presumed to have violated ethical standards will be given the opportunity to respond to allegations.
  • If it is determined that there were indeed irregularities and violations of ethical norms, the Editorial Board of the Journal will assess whether it is about minor or a serious violation of ethical standards.

Minor violations, without major consequences for the reputation and integrity of the Journal (for example, misunderstanding or unintentional misapplication of publication standards), will be resolved in direct communication with authors and reviewers, without the involvement of third parties. This procedure may include the following steps:

  • Sending a warning letter to authors and reviewers.
  • Publishing corrected version of the paper, e.g. when sources properly quoted in the text are omitted from the reference list.
  • Publishing an error (erratum) if the error was made by editorial staff.

In case of serious violation of ethical norms and standards and established plagiarism, the Editorial Board of the Journal may take the following measures:

  • The formal, pre-announced retraction of the published article, in accordance with the Journal`  s Retraction Policy.
  • Publication of a formal announcement or editorial description of the misconduct.
  • Official notification intended to inform the affiliation and/or organization to which the author and/or reviewer belongs.
  • Imposing a ban on paper submissions to the Journal for a defined period.
  • Referring a case to a professional competent organizations and legal authority for further investigation and taking actions within their competence.

These measures may be taken individually or jointly. If necessary, in the process of resolving the unethical behaviour issue, the Editorial Board of the Journal may consult the external competent expert organizations, bodies and individuals. In resolving ethical disputes, the Editorial Board of the Journal will rely on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Plagiarism Prevention

Plagiarism, i.e. transcription, copying and literally taking over other authors’ ideas, attitudes, words and other creative expressions, is a serious violation of the law, scientific and publishing ethic. In addition to violation of copyright law, plagiarism practices also include following:

  • Verbatim (word for word) or almost literally taking over or deliberately paraphrasing portions of other authors’ text, without clearly pointing to and quoting the sources used or
  • Copying images, charts, tables, equations and other illustrations from someone`s else paper, without properly citing the source or without obtaining explicit permission from the original author or the copyright holder.

Manuscripts with clear indications of plagiarism will be immediately rejected and will not be subject to further consideration. In case plagiarism is discovered in a paper that has already been published by the Journal of Social Sciences, it will be retracted in accordance with the procedure described under Retraction Policy and adopted practice and standards for resolving publishing disputes.

Retraction Policy

In case of violation of the authors’, publishers’ or the rights of copyright holders and serious violation of professional codes of ethics and standards, or in case of concurrent submission of the same manuscript to several journal editorial boards, as well as in case of false claims, established plagiarism, unauthorized data manipulation etc., the Editorial Board will retract the published article. In some cases, already published paper may be withdrawn due to the correction of subsequently observed errors. The Editorial Board of the Journal of Social Sciences consistently applies standards and procedures adopted for resolving such publishing disputes.

The Editor-in-Chief, the authors or both parties may consensually announce a retraction of the published article. Retraction of the paper takes the form of a special item listed in the content and marked as "Retraction of the article". The original article is kept unchanged, except for the watermark on the corresponding PDF document indicating on each page that the article has been "retracted". Retraction of articles are published according to COPE requirements operationalized by CEON/CEES, i.e. Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia.

Conflict of Interests

The authors are obliged to state financial or any other forms of conflict of interest in a note or Acknowledgments section of the manuscript, which could affect the presented research results, their interpretation and conclusions.

Errors in Published Articles

In the case of discovering an important error after the publication of their article by the authors, they are obliged to inform immediately the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, as well as to initiate the retraction of the paper in order to correct it. By submitting their manuscript to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Social Sciences, the authors undertake the commitment to respect the stated ethical standards and obligations.