Modern tendencies of the development of new management paradigm
management, creativity, knowledge, paradigm, competitiveness.Abstract
The dynamic increase in the complexity of the market, social and organizational relations are warning companies not to be sluggish and lulled. It is necessary to show continual thinking about new development trends. In the current situation of confusion and chaos, many are faced with the dilemma of how and what to do next. The current world situation indicates that the potentials of technology, knowledge and creativity are expanding, and thus their planned integration in to strategic documents provides an opportunity to build a new management paradigm. Accordingly, a greater commitment and 'humanization' of companies in the public eye can be achieved. The growing number of companies tends to reconcile the race for profit and social values, and one of the ways to do so is to focus on talent and organizational abilities in technological achievements. It is necessary to gather people and resources and to set new development guidelines that will imply different strategic solutions. The most successful companies will be those that fully exploit all developmental potential – regarding both human and technological potential, by using the synergy effect of inconceivable thinking and creative potential.
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