globalization, technology, CSR, social entrepreneurship, innovations.Abstract
Dynamic changes in the world, growing scientific and technological development, liberalization of market relations as well as the stronger public pressure, have had an influence on socially responsible companies to be viewed from a different perspective. Under the influence of modem trends which shape the economic reality, corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a humane way of acting and thinking of business entities, is increasingly becoming the initiator as well as the head of economic and social changes. Although CSR is not a new concept in economic and social spheres ofbusiness, adapting to new trends is still the unknown. Therefore, it is necessary to point out to the new challenges if we want to benefit from a wide range of activities mentioned and the opportunities they offer. Understanding current trends is a prerequisite, focusing the ideas and creativity toward solving present social and economic problems. Thus, socially responsible activities of modem companies may represent a significant driving force and strength ofthe development taken as a whole.
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