Psychotherapy and organizational consulting – example from practise
psychotherapy, organizational consulting, gestalt, phenomenology, practiceAbstract
The approaches of psychotherapy and organizational consulting are similar in focusing on the betterment of the client (individual, group, or organization). The similarity is reflected in the use of techniques, in accepting the idea of a "personality" of the organization and believing in the existence of a specific psychological being of the organization. Both approaches recognize and acknowledge the interdependence and mutual influence of individuals on the organizational field, which creates a whole (Gestalt), that is more than the sum of the individual elements that it is composed of . The Acceptance of the idea that the change of one element of the field leads to changes in the entire field is also present in psychotherapy and consulting. This article focuses on the application of Gestalt therapy in the organizational context, provides an example of the application of the Gestalt therapy approach to organizations (brief intervention) and explains and illustrates the basic concepts of this approach through an example of good practice.
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