Marketing, marketing communication, digital marketing, management.Abstract
Today, the business environment is characterized by extremely rapid changes, accompanied by intensive technological development and globalization, which brought very complex conditions for the businesses, strong competition, as well as the dominant influence of customers and rapid changes in their tastes. Such conditions forced marketing and marketing communication to take a primary place in the company's operations. The importance of marketing is reflected in the fact that companies can respond properly to increasing challenges and market demands, improve their competitiveness on the market and achieve better sales and more successful business. On the other hand, the intensive development of information technologies, which is accompanied by a huge growth of internet users, as well as digitalization processes in companies, has influenced the development and growth of the importance of digital marketing and more complex requirements in managing business. Therefore, the processes of permanent application of innovations, digitalization and digital marketing, as well as the necessity of efficient management of these processes, have become an indispensable part of the company's business. The aim of this research is to analyse the aspects of contemporary business in the era of digitalization in the field of marketing and marketing communication, as well as digital marketing...
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