communication, work organization, corporate culture, relations, skills, strategic development.Abstract
Business communication is present in every work organization, both for each individual employee and for each individual who communicates with the company. Although, most often, daily activities are performed routinely, they are not given much attention, but instead become a manifestation of the built of organizational or personal culture. The success of the company is directly dependent on the targeted gradual actions that can be used to form a healthy corporate culture in the organization. As a category, corporate culture is very difficult to measure since the values, behaviour of employees, and even the organizational climate itself are a challenge to control and shape the organizational culture of a certain organization, all with the aim of better business. The subject of this research relates to the importance of business communication for the development of corporate culture. The goal of the research is to point out the importance of the relationship between business communication and corporate culture for the efficient operation of any organization. The results of the work confirm that it is important to develop strategically the communication skills of employees in order to develop the organizational culture, which leads to its positive business operations
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