ICT Investments in the Time of Financial Crisis


  • Gordana Đorđević


information and communication tehnology, digital economy, information society, ICT innovation, ICT investment, ICT development and research.


Information and communication tehnologies (ICTs) are the key technologies that have enabled and sustained innovation and developement processes in most industries and most societies. During the past year, ICTs continued to spread throughout the world. More and more people have access to the Internet and its wealth of information and applications. Governments use ICT to establish efficient public services for their citizens. The business sector uses new tehnology to ensure timely and accurate collection and exchange of information. ICT had an important impact on the increase of productivity in various business sectors and development of digital economy and information society. Today ICTs, which used to be the most dynamic areas for investment, are faced with the financial crisis and lower investments.


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eSEEurope Regional Information and Communications Technologies Sector, »Status and Usage Report: Building and Information Society for All«, Sarajevo, 2004.

European Commission's Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry, „The European e-Business Report“, Bonn, Germany, e-Business W@tch , 2006/07


ITU, Confronting the Crisis, Its Impact on the ICT Industry, February 2009

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OECD, »Information Technology Outlook«, decembar 2008.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, »The Role of Communication Infrastructure Investment in Economic Recovery«, maj 2009.

Turban E., McLean E., Wetherbe J., Informacione tehnologije za menadžment: transformacije poslovanja u digitalnu ekonomiju, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 2003.

UNCTAD, »Information Economy Report: The Development Perspective«, 2006., New York and Geneva

Vidas-Bubanja M., E-poslovanje – menadžment, tehnologije, aplikacije, Beogradska poslovna škola, 2005.


