crime, criminal act, security, security management, classic property crimes, theft, aggravated theft, migrant crisis.Abstract
The paper analyses criminality as a complex social phenomenon. Criminality is determined by numerous factors related to the subject of the perpetrator, the criminal act and social conditions, that is, the social environment. In a more general sense, we can say that criminality represents a set of social phenomena that threaten universal social values, and which are sanctioned as such by the criminal law of the home state. The subject of research in this paper is the emerging forms of criminality and the concept and types of property crimes. Property crimes belong to the type of criminal acts that threaten (illegally appropriated or damaged) the property rights of citizens and other legal entities, and these crimes belong to the type of classic (general) criminality. In terms of their scope, they constitute the most numerous types of criminal acts, but at the same time, they are also the type of delinquency where there is the highest degree of professionalization. Classic property delicts - theft and aggravated theft - are also separately analysed in the paper. Theft is a criminal offense against property, and in the structure of property crime, it takes the leading place in terms of the number of crimes...
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