Journal of Social Sciences <p><em>The Journal of Social Sciences</em> has been published since 2009 by the Faculty of Finance, Banking and Auditing - Belgrade, Alfa BK University. 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In that case, the authors are obliged to provide a full bibliographic information about the article published in the <em>Journal of Social Sciences </em> (authors, title of the paper, name of the journal, volume, issue, pages), while <em>HTML links</em> must be provided to the article's website location and the license used.</p> <p><strong>Disclaimer</strong></p> <p>The views and conclusions contained in the published papers express only the views of their authors, and not necessarily of the Editorial Board or the Editorial Staff of the Journal. The authors take legal and moral responsibility for the claims, ideas and conclusions presented in their articles. The Publisher will not be held legally responsible if there should be any claims for compensation.</p> en-US (Ph.D. Lidija Madžar) (mr Vladimir Šašo, Technical Support) Wed, 27 Dec 2023 12:24:44 +0000 OJS 60 Impressum <p>Journal of Social Sciences</p> Glasnik za Društvene nauke Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 27 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 APPLICATION OF WASPAS METHOD IN THE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF COMPANIES IN SERBIA LISTED ON THE BELGRADE STOCK EXCHANGE <p>Recently, as is well known, various methods of multi-criteria analysis are increasingly used in the evaluation of the performance of companies from all sectors. They can be successfully used in the ranking of companies - issuers (sellers) of securities (shares) according to stock market indicators, as criteria used on effective stock exchanges. This feature enables them to gain a better insight into the competitiveness of companies – issuers of acacia shares on effective stock exchanges. Likewise, potential investors (buyers) are able to understand better the economic profitability of investing in the shares of certain companies. In the current paper, this fact is illustrated and confirmed on the example of applying the WASPAS method in the ranking of companies in Serbia from financial and insurance sector, which are listed on the Belgrade Stock Exchange, according to stock indicators as criteria used. The obtained results of the empirical research unequivocally showed that the application of the WASPAS method, compared to ratio analysis, gives far more reliable results for purposes of making decisions on investments.</p> Radojko Lukić, Dragana Vojteški Kljenak Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 27 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 CHANGE AS A FORM OF EXISTENCE AND A CONDITION OF SURVIVAL <p>Universality of change is a way of formulating the fact that all entities capable of being observed and even thought of – individuals, their variously formed groups, the society, the world of ideas and consciousness in maximally imaginable number of variegated forms and locations and the universe itself – are subject to change. Speaking of change is tantamount to speaking about all conceivable forms of existence and therefore about the universe of all things we encounter, create or imagine. These are the reasons because of which the subject of change – as a matter of principle – cannot ever be exhaustively treated. Because of their boundless variety and universality the comprehensively taken space of changes can bi classified in many different ways and, again, the set of classifications is infinite and inexhaustible. Hence only some classifications are singled out so that exogenous and endogenous changes are dealt with and then self-induced and externally imposed changes and changes at different levels of social organization focusing in particular to changes at the level of individual agents and variously defined systemic changes.</p> Ljubomir Madžar Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 COMPETITIVENESS IN THE ECONOMIES OF THE WESTERN BALKAN REGION COUNTRIES <p>Competitiveness is a concept that is often present not only in economics, but also in any other science. Today, this term is often used in microeconomic and macroeconomic analyses, while globalization has largely contributed to its proliferation. In that case, we are talking about global competitiveness. From the aspect of comparative analysis, it is important to show the state of competitiveness in the economies of the Western Balkan countries. In this paper, a special attention is given to the following countries: Montenegro, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The paper deals with the analysis of the position, production structure, and export priorities of these countries in their mutually competitive relationship. The descriptive factor of competitiveness, vital functions and the ranking of the countries in the region in relation to the European Union are also presented. The aim of this paper is to show that the competitiveness of the observed countries creates better conditions for their development, as well as their better positioning on the global competitive scale. The analysis also confirmed that countries that support innovation, development of human resources, that are moving towards the adoption of changes and that are adaptable to them...</p> Aida Akagić Hodžić, Marijana Vidas Bubanja Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMPACT OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY ON LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY IN SERBIA: APPLICATION OF THE ARDL AND ECM APPROACHES <p>Digital technologies have changed the way of people life, their business and behaviour by penetrating all aspects of their everyday life. They influence the development of the economy and society by enabling access to information and resources, connectivity, a more efficient decision-making process, financial inclusion, more advanced business strategies, as well as better access to trade and public services. Digital transformation encourages cooperation, flexibility, communication, efficiency and agility, but also innovation, conflict management, business sustainability, productivity growth, knowledge and general competencies of employees. On the other hand, labour productivity determines competitiveness, the pace of progress and the quality of the economy itself. The purpose of this article is to investigate the long-term and short-term relationship among some indicators of the digital sector and labour productivity in Serbia in the period from 2007 to 2021. While the applied Autoregressive Distributed Lags (ARDL) Model indicated that there is no long-term relationship between these phenomena, the applied Error Correction Model (ECM) indicated their short-term relationship. It was also observed that last year's productivity of employees statistically significantly and positively determines their current productivity. The article concludes that the government should continue to encourage the development of the digital economy in Serbia...</p> Lidija Madžar Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 27 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE SUBSTANCE OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPING CORPORATE CULTURE <p>Business communication is present in every work organization, both for each individual employee and for each individual who communicates with the company. Although, most often, daily activities are performed routinely, they are not given much attention, but instead become a manifestation of the built of organizational or personal culture. The success of the company is directly dependent on the targeted gradual actions that can be used to form a healthy corporate culture in the organization. As a category, corporate culture is very difficult to measure since the values, behaviour of employees, and even the organizational climate itself are a challenge to control and shape the organizational culture of a certain organization, all with the aim of better business. The subject of this research relates to the importance of business communication for the development of corporate culture. The goal of the research is to point out the importance of the relationship between business communication and corporate culture for the efficient operation of any organization. The results of the work confirm that it is important to develop strategically the communication skills of employees in order to develop the organizational culture, which leads to its positive business operations</p> Aleksandra Perović, Violeta Šiljak, Drazen Jovanović Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 JUST-IN-TIME LOGISTICS CONCEPT IN TRANSPORTATION AS A COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE <p>The rapid development of science and technology led to the creation of contemporary production systems. At the same time, modern production required a special way of management. The management of such production was based on the principles of various techniques and methods implementation. One of such management types is the Just-in-time logistics concept. It is the most recent management concept where the goals of production management are oriented towards the market (in a right time dimension). This concept ensures optimal production results, as well as rational and efficient production. The Just-in-time concept originates from Japan, where it first found its application (in Japanese industry). In this country, for the first time, the importance of putting the product in the foreground was noticed. Over time, the orientation towards the product grew into a kind of philosophy. It was a completely new philosophy in the production process where the emphasis was placed on the product, bearing in mind that it is directly aimed at the market that needs to be conquered in a way of satisfying consumers’ needs and preferences.</p> Milan Stanković, Ratomir Antonović Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 LEGAL BASIS FOR THE ENGAGEMENT OF THE DIRECTOR: GENERAL LABOR AND COMPANY LAW POSITION OF THE DIRECTOR <p>Starting from the positive law of the Republic of Serbia and provisions falling under the purview of general labor relations and business entities, the aim of this paper is to explore the two fundamental stages of engaging directors, which involve director appointment and the conclusion of contracts with the director, and to highlight potential enhancements to the legal provisions in this area. Through the normative method, legal provisions governing the engagement of directors will be analyzed, while in certain instances, the advantages and disadvantages of existing legal provisions will be explored through the historical-legal method and comparative analysis. Director appointment constitutes a mandatory stage in the engagement of directors. The second step in engaging a director is the execution of an employment contract or a contract defining mutual rights, obligations, and responsibilities. In this context, the written form of these contracts, for the purpose of valid director engagement, can be substituted by the director commencing work. In addition to the aforementioned, a third possible legal basis for director engagement arises in the form of a supplementary work contract. Regarding the commencement of a director’s mandate, there is a legal gap concerning the regulation of the relationship between the start of...</p> Marko Kihler Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A REFINEMENT OF THE FISHER'S EQUATION <p>Fisher's equation, or the equation of exchange, relates the money supply to the price levels, the monetary dynamics, and the economic activity. This equation, in its most cited form, shows imprecisions when it comes to the dimensional analysis of the quantities it relates. A need for clarifying the interpretation of these quantities and for facilitating the application of this equation has motivated this endeavour. In this work, first the Fisher's equation has been analysed dimensionally, and certain difficulties for its correct interpretation have been shown. Then, a basic exposition of the operation of an economic system has been given, together with an analysis of the dynamics of trade in a money based economy. It has been shown that for each participant in an economy there is a monetary holding function, which is composed of mathematically simple elementary monetary holding functions. These elementary monetary holding functions arise naturally from trading transactions. One important consequence of this analysis is the discovery that the essential function of the money in an economy is that of memory of contributions to the economy by the participants in trade. In the sequel, a new form of the equation relating the supply of money to the...</p> Dejan Đukić Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE FOOD WASTE CONCEPT – MORE THAN THE PROBLEM CAUSED BY INADEQUATE FOOD HANDLING <p>The concept of Food waste is one of the leading topics of the 21st century. It concerns the daily lives of all global residents, as they all contribute to this problem, which often goes by unnoticed and can have much worse consequences than nominally expected. Furthermore, it is indicated that this problem, in its narrower sense, actually represents the consequence of a much more complex problem, and not the cause of local types of environmental pollution itself – bad habits of the population, uneven distribution of food in the world and excessive food production lead to the emergence of environmental risks of global proportions and influence the increased emission of CO2 in the atmosphere, which further contributes to the strengthening and worsening of the greenhouse gas effects and global warming on the environment.</p> Anđela Marčetić Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMPACT OF BLOCKCHAIN TEHNOLOGY ON THE REALIZATION OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS <p>This paper investigates the impact of blockchain technology on the realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A blockchain is an encrypted record of all previous transactions and settlements that each networked computer constantly synchronizes. Theoretically, blockchain data is absolutely reliable because there are thousands of copies of them. The main characteristic of blockchain technology is that there is no specific entity in charge for the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). This is the main reason why blockchain technology has a stimulating effect on innovative solutions in many areas of human activity. In this context, blockchain technology also affects positivelly the realization of all Sustainable Development Goals. However, in some cases, a negative impact on the achievement of these goals has been observed. This is especially true for the pronounced consumption of electricity in cryptocurrency mining. The analytical approach in this paper points to the more comprehensive impact of blockchain technology on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.</p> Vladimir Pavićević Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE ACCUSED AND HIS POSITION IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS <p>In order to effectively reveal the perpetrator of the crime, the personality characteristics of the defendant are very important as a source of the most relevant facts that will be of crucial importance in the proceedings. This is the person against whom criminal proceedings have been initiated and are being conducted due to the suspicion that he/she has committed a criminal act.<br>In order to prove and clarify the investigative procedure, it is necessary to interrogate the defendant who can use his/her testimony to present the facts in the best way regarding the crime he/she is accused off. However, the defendant often does not want to cooperate with the authorities in explaining his/her participation in the specific case in order to avoid his responsibility.<br>In this paper, the Author is investigating the concept of the accused and his/her position in criminal proceedings.</p> Teodora Živadinović Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 CONTEMPORARY MARKETING AND MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN COMPANIES AND MANAGEMENT IN THE ERA OF DIGITALIZATION <p>Today, the business environment is characterized by extremely rapid changes, accompanied by intensive technological development and globalization, which brought very complex conditions for the businesses, strong competition, as well as the dominant influence of customers and rapid changes in their tastes. Such conditions forced marketing and marketing communication to take a primary place in the company's operations. The importance of marketing is reflected in the fact that companies can respond properly to increasing challenges and market demands, improve their competitiveness on the market and achieve better sales and more successful business. On the other hand, the intensive development of information technologies, which is accompanied by a huge growth of internet users, as well as digitalization processes in companies, has influenced the development and growth of the importance of digital marketing and more complex requirements in managing business. Therefore, the processes of permanent application of innovations, digitalization and digital marketing, as well as the necessity of efficient management of these processes, have become an indispensable part of the company's business. The aim of this research is to analyse the aspects of contemporary business in the era of digitalization in the field of marketing and marketing communication, as well as digital marketing...</p> Zorica Đurić, Biljana Ilić, Ivan Đekić Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 CRIMINALITY AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS USING IT SYSTEMS IN THE MIGRANT CRISIS CONDITIONS <p>The paper analyses criminality as a complex social phenomenon. Criminality is determined by numerous factors related to the subject of the perpetrator, the criminal act and social conditions, that is, the social environment. In a more general sense, we can say that criminality represents a set of social phenomena that threaten universal social values, and which are sanctioned as such by the criminal law of the home state. The subject of research in this paper is the emerging forms of criminality and the concept and types of property crimes. Property crimes belong to the type of criminal acts that threaten (illegally appropriated or damaged) the property rights of citizens and other legal entities, and these crimes belong to the type of classic (general) criminality. In terms of their scope, they constitute the most numerous types of criminal acts, but at the same time, they are also the type of delinquency where there is the highest degree of professionalization. Classic property delicts - theft and aggravated theft - are also separately analysed in the paper. Theft is a criminal offense against property, and in the structure of property crime, it takes the leading place in terms of the number of crimes...</p> Ninoslav Đukić Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE CONCEPT OF HUMAN SECURITY <p>The concept of human security emerged in international relations in the 1990s. The United Nations Development Programme's Human Development Report offered seven categories that constitute human security. However, the lack of a precise definition of the concept of human security has resulted in certain consequences and state polarization regarding whether to adopt a narrow or broad understanding of this term. This paper presents the advantages and disadvantages of the concept of human security, which are believed to be a direct result of the absence of a precise definition of this concept.</p> Sanela Veljković, Marko Vučković Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Frančeska Rolandi, Dvadeset četiri hiljade poljubaca: Uticaj italijanske popularne kulture u Jugoslaviji (1955-1965.) <p>A</p> Biljana Mirčić Copyright (c) 2023 Wed, 13 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000